Friday, June 22, 2012

School is out for summer!

Yesterday was the last day of school for the Ruth School. We ended the school year with a promotion ceremony for all of our students and spotlighted the ones who had made great improvements academically speaking over the past year. It was a very happy day as I saw students that I have now been with on school field trips, weekly chapel services and various events with take pride in their achievements. Sooooo proud! 
We had a great turn out for the celebration

Estera graduated first in her class and wants to be a fashion designer!

Our graduates!

We had a special chapel service for our 8th graders who officially finished their time at the Ruth School and will be taking their high school entrance exams on Monday morning. Special thanks to Bluefield College and Lydia Freeman for the caps and gowns that help make this event super special!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's my birthday!

Okay, well it isn't really my birthday so Mom don't think you forgot.... but it is my Romanian birthday because I moved here a year ago today. Currently, I am resisting the urge to use this day as an excuse to make cupcakes :)

This past year has been overwhelmingly wonderful. It has been a year full of adjustments; adjusting to a new city, different grocery stores, a new culture, new traditions and best of all new friends. Over the course of the year, I have learned many new things (not as much Romanian as I would like to have) and am looking forward to the years to come now that I have the first year of learning the ins and outs of Romania out of the way. Thank you all for your prayers and support!

The past few weeks, okay month, have been super busy around Project Ruth. We celebrated 20 years of helping children in need in Ferentari. Project Ruth supporters and friends from all over the world gathered on May 24th for a day full of celebrations. It was overwhelming to be around so many people to whom God has given such a passion for the Roma people of Romania. It was a great encouragement to those of us who are here day in and day out to see just a few of the faces who pray for this ministry daily.
My dear friend from college, Lydia, served at Project Ruth for the month of May. She was a wave of fresh energy to Project Ruth, especially me, during this month. Lydia jumped in with washing dishes, making posters for the 20th, organizing almost everything, writing chapel plans, and just loving our kids. She returned back to the States yesterday morning. I was super sad to see her go but so incredibly blessed and encouraged by her while she was here.