Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Clean fingernails!

And the fingernails of the body were very clean from washing the dishes--- I think this is a verse that Paul left out when he was writing 1 Corinthians. Let me explain… This week at Project Ruth is the Gypsy Smith School which is a fantastic week of leaders from Roma churches coming together for a week long session comprised of two courses. What does this have to do with dishes? Well for me – GSS week means dishes, dishes and more dishes. In order to help out the kitchen staff who are having to not only prepare lunch for our 200+ students but are now preparing 3 meals a day for 25+ full grown men (boy, can they eat!), we wash the dishes. Today, my mind was running a hundred miles an hour regarding what I needed to get done: reports, e-mails pretty much anything but washing bowls caked in mashed potatoes. So as we washed what seem like the 1000th bowl today, I thought “just how many more bowls do we have to scrub today?” Then it dawned on me that each of the bowls and each spoon represented a little belly in Ferentari that was now full. After meditating on this for a moment, I didn’t want to the dirty bowls to stop coming because when little bellies are full, little minds can learn better and when little minds learn then little children can transform their worlds.

Back to Paul – More often than not, I find myself wanting to see the bigger picture. I forget that I am just a small part of the body of Christ. I selfishly want to be a cool part like an arm that hugs a child or the feet that bring Christmas boxes to children in villages. Yet, God calls us all to be part of the body and that means that sometimes we have to be the uncool parts that don’t get to see the bigger picture but have to trust in a God that brings all things together for His glory and to accomplish His purpose. So I will rejoice in the moments that I get to be the fingers that scrub bowls caked with mashed potatoes. What are the mashed potato bowls in your life? I encourage you to think about the little mundane tasks that you are doing for the Kingdom that seem small but are essential to the bigger picture of ministry in your community. 

“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome! God must rejoice when he sees your service, I know I do.
