Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hopefully tomorrow morning...

So today after making four calzones full of ham, cheese and veggies along with a loaf of zucchini bread Zach and I set out for the hospital to visit Nicu. Once we arrived at the hospital, I realized that I had little clue who to pronouce his last name and I am still not completely sure if Nicu is his full name. After some hand gestures, really bad Romanian on my part, and busting into some random hospital rooms, we found Nicu. He has not had his surgery yet. It was delayed until tomorrow morning at ten, hopefully. His spirits were good and his little face lit up when he saw Zach walk in the room behind me. We gave them the food unknowing that Nicu is not allowed to eat at all today. Whoops. We promised to visit tomorrow afternoon after his surgery. Our plan for tomorrow is to go the store early in the morning and get some supplies. nicu's family does not have hot water nor do they have money for bandages and ailments for his wounds. So we are going to buy an electric tea kettle very cheap here that can be used to heat water to keep his legs clean to prevent infection. We also might pick up a new outfit for him to wear home from the hospital because he is currently wearing jeans which will not fit over swollen legs. The social worker at the Ruth School informed us this morning that he desperately needs clothes. Tomorrow evening, it is our plan to take dinner to his siblings that are at home because their mom isn't there to care for them and we wouldn't want any hungry tummies.

Please continue to keep this family in your prayers and we will update you tomorrow :)

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